Fabulous Aire Fragrance - Hay Fever 250ml | Absolute Pets


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Fabulous Aire Fragrance - Hay Fever 250ml

  • item code: FAF606HF


Requires an extra 2 to 4 working days for delivery.
  • The Blend 4 Hay Fever Revitaliser Fragrance contains botanical extracts that help with the irritations caused by sneezing, runny or congested noses. This soothing, clearing, and calming blend has camphoric properties that aid upper respiratory function and clear nasal congestion. Ideal for relief from hay fever and sinusitis.

    How it Works?
    The Fabulous Aire™ Leaf Revitaliser uses 5-10 ml of fragrance with 2 litres of cold tap water in its water bowl to operate. When switched on, the rotating fan and funnel creates a filter of air-purifying spray inside the unit. A flow of air is continuously drawn from the room, through the spray in the unit and released back into the room. The result is cleaner, fresher and healthier air - to feel better, breathe better and sleep better while enjoying relief from various respiratory conditions.

    The Fabulous Aire™ Revitaliser uses unique essential oil formulations and water to clean and revitalise the air. It:
  • Traps and removes dust, pollen, microbes, chemicals and other pollutants from the air
  • Vaporizes essential oils for aroma-therapeutic benefits
  • Neutralizes airborne bacteria, viruses and fungi
  • Increases moisture and enhances oxygen levels in the air
  • Increases negative ions to eliminate static and lower stress levels
  • Eliminates bad smells from food, smoke, animal dander, household chemicals and other odours and leaves a refreshing aroma
  • Remove the Revitaliser’s top cover and fill the water bowl with 2 litres of clean tap water - to the maximum line on the side of the bowl.
  • Shake the Fragrance Concentrate well before you add 5 to 10ml to the water in the bowl and replace the top cover.
  • Place the unit in a position close to the centre of the area you wish to cover and on a soft cloth material to prevent excessive vibrational noise.
  • Connect the machine’s mains cord to the electrical wall socket and switch on the power.
  • Keep concentrates out of reach of small children and store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Fabulous Aire™ Fragrance Concentrates are not for oral consumption or to replace medication. NOTE: All Fabulous Aire™ fragrances clean, revitalise and sanitise the air and assist with the conditions mentioned on this page. The fragrances contain strong antimicrobial and odour eliminating properties for air purification. Information provided refers to the aromatherapeutic benefits of the fragrances and is not meant to be a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.

Most orders take 1-3 working days to deliver and are dependent on where we are delivering to.  Outlying areas can take longer than city centres. Please allow up to 10 working days for delivery.

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