Drontal Cat | Absolute Pets


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Drontal Cat

  • item code: DCAT


Drontal Worming Tablets for Cats is a veterinary strength solution for the treatment of ascarids, hookworm and tapeworms in cats.

Containing the active ingredients Praziquantel 20mg and Pyrantel Embonate 230mg, Drontal Worming Tablets for Cats is administered orally either directly to your cat or mixed with feed.Don’t forget the flea control!

Fleas are often infected with the larvae of the Tapeworm, which can be transferred to your cat by swallowing the flea while grooming. In order to control worms, you also need to control fleas. A spot-on treatment is the easiest way to protect your cat – but you may also need one that kills flea larvae in your pet's surroundings, to effectively break the flea lifecycle.

If you don't control a flea problem at the same time as worming, your cat is almost certain to be re-infected


This product is for animal use only and should under no circumstances be administered to any animal other than that which is stated for.
Keep out of reach of children and wash hands after use.
Do not use simultaneously with Piperazine compounds.

For routine control adult cats should be treated every 3 months and in the event of a heavy round worm infestation, a repeat dose should be given after 14 days:

2 kg body mass - 0.5 Tablet
4 kg body mass - 1 Tablet
6 kg body mass - 1.5 Tablets
8 kg body mass - 2 Tablets
Drontal Worming Tablets for Cats is suitable for use on kittens over 6 weeks old and lactating queens, but should not be used during pregnancy.

To avoid worms reaching maturity and affecting your pet's health, and to reduce public health risks, you should worm your pet regularly. Worming at least every three months with Drontal will reduce this risk.

Most orders take 1-3 working days to deliver and are dependent on where we are delivering to.  Outlying areas can take longer than city centres. Please allow up to 10 working days for delivery.

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