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by Absolute Pets

Is your dog eating their dinner so fast that you forget whether you’ve fed them? Fast eating can cause a number of health issues in dogs, including a build-up of gas and gastric dilatation–volvulus (GDV). Luckily, we have a range slow feeders for dogs to choose from.

For many dog owners, seeing their pets scoffing down their food is a daily occurrence. The rate at which a dog eats can be a major factor in their physical and emotional health.

If this is something you’re experiencing with your dog, it might be time to introduce a slow-feeder bowl.

Why do dogs eat fast?

There are a few reasons your pup might be eating their share of dog food too fast. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Competition

If you have multiple dogs in the house, dinner time can become difficult, as they might fight one another over who finishes first. Dogs may eat quickly to prove their dominance. This competitive spirit between the dogs can cause food to be eaten quickly, especially in households with more than one dog.

2. Food is the main motivation

For a lot of dogs, mealtime is their favourite time of the day, and puppies may eat quickly due to that excitement. Food-motivated dogs, and younger pups, may also finish their meals in expectation of a delicious treat or snack afterwards.

3. Anxiety or stress

Similar to humans, dogs can experience stress and anxiety, which can show up in different ways, including fast eating. Some pooches may swallow their food rapidly as a reaction to environmental stressors like noise, the change of routine, or the presence of unfamiliar people or animals.

4. Lack of proper training

Often, poor training is why dogs do not have proper mealtime manners. Dogs who haven't been taught to eat slowly may develop fast eating habits just out lack of guidance from their owners.

5. Health problems

In some instances, the speed of eating could be a sign of a health problem, for example, gastrointestinal problems, or hormonal imbalances.

If your dog's eating habits suddenly change or if you notice any other disturbing symptoms, we’d advise you to consult with your veterinarian.

How slow-feeder dog bowls can help

Our range of slow-feeder bowls offers plenty of benefits:

Healthy digestion

One advantage of a slow-feeder dog bowl is that it can help improve digestion. By eating too fast, a dog usually swallows air with their food, which can cause bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort. This should no longer a problem when your dog starts using their special bowl.

Lower risk of choking

Speed eating is a real danger for dogs that are very keen on eating their food as if they are not chewing at all. Slow-feeder bowls are made with complex designs, ridges, or obstacles that make dogs eat bit by bit, and not in large gulps. This decreases the chances of large pieces of food getting into the throat and reduces the risk of choking.

Obesity in dogs is reduced

Slow-feeder dog bowls are significant in weight management and obesity prevention. Dogs who are fast eaters are more likely to overeat since their brains do not get enough time to feel full. Through the process of slowing down their eating habits, slow feeder bowls assist dogs in feeling more full on less food, thus supporting healthy portion control and weight maintenance.

Mental stimulation

Besides the physical benefits, these dog bowls are also a source of mental stimulation. The complicated designs and obstacles in these bowls make dogs use their problem-solving skills and concentrate on their eating process. This mental workout can be useful in reducing boredom and behavioural problems like destructive chewing or excessive barking.

Encourage healthy eating habits

Slow-feeder dog bowls make dogs concentrate on their food, they can take a bite and enjoy the dining experience. This creates a better relationship between the dog and food and helps the dogs develop good eating habits in the future.

Get your slow-feeder dog bowls here


Slow-feeder dog bowls are a significant factor in the improvement of the health and well-being of our dogs.

From preventing digestive issues and reducing the risk of choking, to improving healthy weight management and providing mental stimulation, these bowls offer a range of benefits that can greatly enhance the overall quality of life of dogs.

The use of a slow-feeder bowl is a simple but effective way to make sure that your pet enjoys mealtime at a pace that is both safe and satisfying.

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