The winners of the January StarPet photo competition have been announced and it's time to celebrate!
Seven participants won a total of R22,500, of which R17,000 was in the form of Absolute Pets shopping vouchers.
In addition to this joyous news, the competition also helped raise R2500 for Woodrock Animal Rescue!
Woodrock Animal Rescue is a leading non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing shelter. They have over 500 animals in their care at any given time, including dogs, cats, kittens, donkeys, pigs, chickens, rabbits, geese, and goats.
If you’d like to learn more about their organisation or you’re looking to adopt a pet, please visit their website here.
Here are your January StarPet Winners:
1st Prize: Maya, R4500 Absolute Pets voucher and R2 250 cash
Maya is a rescue dog who her pet parents describe as the sweetest girl that loves to be pampered.

2nd Prize: Merlin R3000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1500 cash
Merlin is a special cat who is referred to by his pet parents as a “dog-cat” because he knows how to do tricks that a dog would usually do, such as how to ‘sit’ and ‘roll over’.
He is a professional cat model, avid bird watcher, mouse catcher, gecko hunter and is obsessed with catnip.

3rd Prize: Ozzie, R2000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1000 cash
Ozzie’s pet parents saved him when he was only 2 weeks old, and he hasn't left their side since. He is a true blessing and fills their home with love with every goofy thing he does.

Angel’s Choice winners
1st Prize: Milo, R2 000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1000 cash
Milo is a Yorkie that was adopted at 6 months old. His pet parents describe him as a real sweetheart who will sweep up all the love he can get.

2nd Prize: Casey won R1 500 Absolute Pets voucher and R750 cash
Casey was rescued and bottle-fed from 3 weeks old. She crept into her pet parent’s hearts, and they just couldn’t let her go.
She is very vocal especially when it comes to telling them when it’s dinner time.
3rd Prize: Mika won R1000 Absolute Pets voucher and R500 cash
Mika is a rescue dog whose pet parents describe her as a soft-hearted girl with a love for tennis balls.
She plays with tennis balls all day and even into the night and also enjoys watching TV, especially cartoons.

StarPick winner: Odin won R1 000 Absolute Pets voucher and R500 cash
Odin loves his pet parents so much that he never leaves their side. He enjoys making friends with all types of animals, big or small.

A big round of applause to the January winners! Your pets are real stars, and we can’t wait to help you spend your vouchers at Absolute Pets and spoil these beloved pets!
If you’re interested in entering your pet into the next competition, you still have a chance!
Entries for February are in full swing!
Voting start and end dates
Voting for the current month’s competition opens and closes on the first and last day of the current month.
For example, votes for the February competition open on 1 February 2023, and close on 31 February 2023.