Absolute Pets, together with Starlight Media, are happy to reveal the seven lucky winners of the Star Pet Competition for the month of November 2022.
The selected winners won their share of R22 500, which includes R17 000 in Absolute Pets shopping vouchers, and they helped raise a total of R5000 for Oudtshoorn Dogs in need.
Star Pet is a feel-good-for-good online competition that allows people to showcase and celebrate their special little stars while supporting a worthy cause, as 50% of their profits are donated to a charity every month, chosen by the previous month’s winner.
Star Pet guarantees that in the unlikely event of not making any profit, they will still donate R2500 to the charity!
Prizes are awarded in the form of store vouchers and cash. There are three categories of winners for competition entrants – People’s Choice, Angel’s Choice, and StarPick of the Month.
If you’d like to enter your pet or vote for a pet, simply visit www.star-pet.co.za,.
Voting can be done via SMS, SnapScan and Ozow (eft).
Here are your November StarPet Winners:
People’s Choice winners

The three pets that received the most votes for November are:
1st Prize: Kai, R4500 Absolute Pets voucher and R2 250 cash
Kai’s pet parents describe him as a real gentleman and very clever. He watches over them when they are sick, likes to play tag and play with his soft plush toys.
2nd Prize: Ella, R3000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1500 cash
Ella’s pet parents describe her as special because no matter how sad, bad, or terrible their day is when they look at their little ball of fur all their worries disappear.
3rd Prize: Enzo, R2000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1000 cash
Enzo is a gentle soul, and his pet parents describe him as a ‘knight in shining armour’.
Angel’s Choice winners

November’s Angel winners, chosen by Oudtshoorn Dog Rescue are special angels indeed because they all happen to be rescue dogs that found their forever homes.
1st Prize: Simba, R2 000 Absolute Pets voucher and R1000 cash
Simba was surrendered in July 2021; he was very sick with Parvo and spent almost 2 weeks at the vet. The vet discharged Simba as he made a full recovery, his pet parent fostered him and fell madly in love, so she adopted him.
He is the friendliest, gentle, goofy dog ever and loves to sit on the couch and watch TV.
2nd Prize: Jade, R1 500 Absolute Pets voucher and R750 cash
Jade is a rescue German Shepherd cross that has a beautiful nature. She is also very protective and loves her cat siblings so much.
3rd Prize: Gracey, R1000 Absolute Pets voucher and R500 cash
Gracey stole her pet parent’s heart when they visited a shelter, looking for a buddy for their cat of 8 years. She was named Gracey as grace is the only way she could describe how their paths came to meet.
StarPick of the Month
The StarPick for November was none other than Libby!

StarPick winner: Libby, R1 000 Absolute Pets voucher and R500 cash
Libby loves belly scratches, eating food and biltong. She also loves to play with other dogs.
We would like to extend warm congratulations to the November winners and a heartfelt thank you to all who entered and helped raise funds for Oudtshoorn Dog Rescue, especially during these challenging times.
Voting start and end dates
Voting for December opens on 1 December 2022 and closes on 31 December 2022.
For more information on the Star Pet South Africa competition, visit their website here.
We wish all pet parents the best of luck, and we look forward to seeing your photo entries of your happy and healthy pets!