During such challenging times we realise just how much we need to support one another and give support to those who are struggling. The Lokuno animal welfare initiative has allowed us to do just that for animals in need, at a time that it is so desperately needed.
Earlier this year, Lokuno donated R23 000 to 4 animal welfare organisations; and earlier this week, another R45 000 was donated to 5 more organisations around the country, just in time for Christmas!
“This is a wonderful Christmas gift especially with December always being a challenging month, where we see an influx of lost or abandoned animals during the festive holidays” – says Linda, Kennel Manager at Hartebeespoort Animal Welfare Society (HAWS).
The Lokuno CSI initiative is proving to be very helpful in supporting animal welfare and providing some much-needed funds to animal rescue organizations.
Change for the Better Foundation (Cape Town) received R15 000 from Lokuno; and they intend to use some of this to build a puppy pen at their premises.

They are an extremely passionate group of people who do a lot of great work within the community. Their efforts stretch across sterilization programmes, trap-neuter-return programmes for feral cats, and (one of their primary goals) rehabilitating and re-homing the animals in their care.
If you’d like to get involved and help them, please visit the CFTB Foundation website. Every little bit of support helps.
Hartebeespoort Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) (Pretoria) received R10 000 from Lokuno:
“2020 has been a difficult financial year, as we have not been able to host our two main fundraisers due to Covid restrictions. The animal clinic from where we run our sterilization campaign and animal medical assistance also saw a loss of income during the lockdown months. So your donation will assist with projects we have not been able to attend to during the year” - Gill Spalding (HAWS Treasurer).
HAWS currently has 78 dogs and 55 cats at their shelter, but are also assisting with feeding 15 household pets whose owners lost their jobs due to Covid. If you’d like to find out more or make a donation you can visit their website or donate via the ‘backabuddy’ platform.
Phoenix Animal Care & Treatment (PACT) (Kwazulu-Natal) received R10 000 from Lokuno which they are using to help treat a few of their animals that are currently at the Vet.
Other than the 60 pets they have that are up for adoption, they also feed 370 animals on a daily basis through their township feeding programme. “We really could use help with food. Since the pandemic and people losing jobs, our daily feeding numbers have more than doubled” says Neerie, from PACT.
If you’d like to get in touch or are interested in donating, volunteering or adopting, please visit the PACT website.
The other animal welfare organisations that received donations from Lokuno this week, are Fallen Angels and Langebaan Animal Care.
We extend a huge ‘thank you’ to all the Lokuno customers that have helped make this possible. With every bag or box of Lokuno food you purchase, R1 goes to animal welfare. The Lokuno brand and committee members are grateful for your support and feeling proud that together we can, and are, making a difference to hungry, homeless and abandoned animals.
To learn more about the Lokuno range, please visit the website: http://www.lokuno.co.za.
Currently Lokuno is available exclusively at Absolute Pets, in store and online.