We are always blown away by the dedicated staff and volunteers who work at animal welfare organisations around the country, caring for animals who don't yet have a forever home. There are hundreds of these organisations looking after hundreds of animals and this month, with our Mandela Day Campaign, we invite you to join us in making a difference and adding to the incredible work they do. There is so much we can achieve as a community.

How do animal welfare organisations operate?
Some animal welfare organisations are NPO (non-profit organisation) or NPC (non-profit company) registered which generally means that any surplus revenues are used to achieve the organisation's purpose or mission, so you know that your donations are going to your chosen cause. They may also have certain tax benefits from being registered and you may even be able to claim tax back on your donations. It is worth asking the question before you donate.
These organisations rely heavily on their communities to survive. They need donations and volunteers to help provide for the animals in their care while they ultimately try and find good homes and loving families to adopt them.
1. Donate and make a difference
Cash donations are critical
The costs of rescuing or taking in and caring for a pet are high. When an animal is first welcomed into the animal welfare organisation a few basics need to be covered regarding their health. They require a check-up with a vet, vaccinations, tick and flea treatment, a good wash, any other medication that they may need and of course, a cosy bed and food. Pet sterilization is also costly and many animal welfare organisations need donations to help them in this area. As any pet owner will know, these costs all add up and so cash donations are critical.
You can donate once-off or ideally set up a monthly direct debit order, no matter how small.
Drop off essential items
Most animal welfare organisations will welcome essential items such as:
If you are able to donate any of these items or can afford to buy even one bag of food, you are already making a difference. Until the 18th of July we are running our Mandela Day Campaign where each of our stores is collecting much-needed pet items in store for various animal welfare organisations around the country. Visit your nearest store to find out which organisation they are supporting, drop off any items you’d like to donate or add something to donate to your purchase. For every 67 items collected at each store, we will donate a further 67kg's of food.
2. Adopt your pet from an animal welfare organisation
If you are in a position to bring a pet into your home, we urge you to consider adopting a pet from your local animal welfare organisation. This is one of the best ways you can help - not only do you relieve the pressure from the organisation itself but most importantly a cat or dog will get their forever home.
Understandably, you will need to go through an adoption process which is in the best interest of the pet. Most organisations will first ask you to fill in an adoption form. They will likely request a home inspection so that they know you are ready and able to care for a pet. And they will then try and find the perfect companion for you, to suit your lifestyle and family.
Once you've adopted a pet it is now up to you to love and care for them and provide them with all that they need. To help you get started, download our New Pet Checklist and be ready to welcome your newest family member into your home.
3. Volunteer your time
Lastly, if you are not in a position to donate or adopt, think about offering your time to your local animal welfare organisation. You can walk the animals and play with them (some basic love and attention) and you’ll probably find you get just as much out of the experience as they do.
A big thanks to everyone who puts the health and happiness of every pet first.
Happy and Healthy
The Absolute Pets Team