There is nothing that matches getting home to that frantically wagging tail at the end of a long day. As MK Clinton put it so well, 'the world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.'
So how do you make sure that you are giving your cat or dog the exercise he or she needs to be happy and healthy? We asked our Absolute Pets vet, Dr Cooper, for her advice on pet exercise.

Why is exercise so important?
The right amount of exercise keeps pets at their ideal weight and this is important as being overweight can lead to health problems and conditions. Exercise also prevents frustration and boredom and it is an excellent opportunity for bonding with your pet as well as being an essential pet socialisation opportunity.
How much exercise should your pet be getting?
There is no hard and fast rule as how much exercise your pet should be getting depends on factors such as age, medical conditions, breed and fitness levels. The best thing to do is to speak to your vet and ask his or her advice. However, here are some guidelines to get you thinking along the right lines.
Puppies need free play with a focus on teaching good manners like how to walk politely on a lead.
Adult dogs
Dogs between (1-7 years old) need at least a 20-30 minute walk daily. Frequent, consistent exercise is better than high intensity, irregular exercise which can lead to injury.
Senior dogs
For older dogs, around a 20 minute controlled walk should be suitable. Swimming is also good for sore joints. At all ages but especially as your dog gets older (and wiser), you must listen to them and judge what they can handle.
You will need to spend some time figuring out what your cat enjoys. Try lasers, cat teasers, toy mice and catnip toys. Browse all of our cat toys here.
Adult cats
Spend at least 10 minutes a day playing with your cat so that they don't lose their play drive and become lazy and bored. High intensity exercise like running after a laser is a great way to burn off energy.
Senior cats
Older cats should still be getting around 10 minutes of interactive play daily but of lower intensity like playing with a cat teaser instead of sprinting after a laser.
Tips and tricks for getting the right exercise
There are lots of fantastic products out there that can help inspire more playtime, fun and exercise. Here are some of our favourites.
1. The Rogz Frisbee
This is a great toy for young and old dogs - it is one of the best frisbee discs available. It floats so it also works well if your dog loves water play. It's soft enough to be suitable for older dogs and durable enough to last.
2. Kong Squeak Balls
Tennis balls can cause damage to teeth and gums so we love the Kong Squeak Balls which protect teeth and provide endless fun for those dogs (and their parents) who love a game of catch.
3. Launch stick
If your pet needs a lot of exercise, a Launch Stick could be a great buy. You get to walk around the park at your own pace whilst your companion can run, run, run after that ball launched far and wide by this handy stick.
4. BeviQui Water Attachment
If you are planning a lovely beach walk followed by a day out, it is wise to have a collapsible bowl or a handy water attachment like this one in your boot. For any exercise over an hour, you need to bring water along with you.
5. Sun cream
It's often forgotten that pets can also get burnt and are susceptible to skin cancer in later life.
If you are going to be spending time in the harsh sun, a good sun block is a must for your pets.
Above everything else, have fun and enjoy every minute with your beautiful pet.