At Absolute Pets we are passionate about pet nutrition and a diet that gives your eternally loyal and loving companion the healthy and happy life he or she deserves. And so, we welcome with open arms the latest study by Eukanuba which shows how the right diet, together with appropriate care for your pet can indeed lengthen their life. Watch the video here and see this incredible study for yourself.
Pretty amazing isn’t it?
The Eukanuba Long Life Study
With 10 years of research behind them, the Eukanuba Long Life Study shows how a good diet can play a major role in improving the quality of a pet’s life as well as extending it. With fantastic nutrition and care, dogs can live beyond their breed’s average lifespan.
Our top tips for feeding your pet a balanced diet
With pet nutrition high on our agenda and this Eukanuba Long Life Study bringing the importance of the right diet into focus, we asked our Absolute Pets vet, Dr Cooper, for her top tips for feeding your pet.
1. Make sure you know the amount of food your pet needs
The amount you are feeding your pet is hugely important. This amount depends on the type of food, how many times a day they eat, their size, metabolic rate and exercise levels. Not feeding enough can cause deficiencies and feeding too much can cause obesity leading to increased musculoskeletal problems like arthritis, congestive heart failure, amongst others. Seek the advice of a vet or pop into one of our stores and we can guide you.
2. Consider your pet's 'life stage'
Puppies and senior dogs or kittens and wise old cats require very different diets. For example, a puppy needs high protein and specific minerals, vitamins and fats necessary for growth. A senior dog needs fewer calories and a higher quality protein to maintain body condition and muscle mass while putting minimal stress on the kidneys. Due to their slower metabolic rate, it’s important to prevent obesity in aging pets. A good pet food brand will provide you with the full spectrum so that you can rest assured that you are giving your pet the right diet throughout their life.
3. Give the best treats
Don’t forget the treats! These should be low in fat and sodium so fruit/veg are great options, for example carrots or apple slices.
4. Ensure fresh water is always available
Just as it is important for us to balance our diets with a healthy intake of water, so it is for our pets too. Always make sure their bowl is topped up and easily accessible.
5. Take your pet for regular check-ups at the vet
Regular veterinary check-ups are important, especially as your pet gets older, as the sooner any condition is diagnosed, the sooner it can be managed with specific diets. A trip to the vets needn’t be so scary!
As Dr Cooper puts it so well,"a good diet plays a major role in improving the quality of, as well as extending, a pet’s life. It also has a major influence on maintaining health and how the body responds to injury and disease.’

Get in touch
Pop in to an Absolute Pets store near you and we will gladly talk you through all of the options when it comes to pet nutrition. It’s what we love best.
Absolute Pets carries the widest range of advanced pet nutrition brands including Eukanuba but also Hill's Science Plan and Ideal Balance, Acana, Royal Canin and Vet’s Choice amongst others. You can view our range online or at any of our 32 stores.